Heading to Hamilton to play Bitter Root Brewing. The last time we were in MT, we met a guy who ended up being at a few of our gigs (three, to be exact). His name is Taylor and he and his wife are total sweethearts and Champagne Sunday fans. He really wanted us to play at the brewery that he worked for, so we contacted them, and they were excited and happy to book us!! 

The bar is a two-story, beautiful open space with a nice, lifted stage with lights and sound system. We played to a wrapt audience who, for being in a restaurant/bar, was super respectful and attentive. It was one of our best shows yet and I’m just sorry none of it was recorded. I suppose we’ll need to hire a film crew for our next tour…any volunteers?😂

Before the gig, Rudy stayed with our friend Gretchen and headed to the river to cool off in the sweltering 96°+ heat. Here he is with Nina. She DEFINITELY wanted some cool off time!

Honestly, the plan was for him to stay with her while we did the show. We thought he’d have more fun with the animals, etc. However, once he realized we were going to do the show without him, he said, “I’m sorry Gretchen. I need to go sing with my parents. I am part of the band.” She just could not argue. I guess we’d better start putting our Vontrapp Family costumes together and getting him up for more tunes…he’s committed. 😂

Once we packed up and headed back to Gretchen’s place, she was ready for us with homemade margaritas. She calls them “Murderitas”. Are we in trouble? I believe so. 

Some hot tub, Murderitas, Manhattans, and a waaaay too late of a night, and we were off to bed for much-needed sleep. Or a coma, more like it. Rudy was already fast asleep and never even heard us come into the truck, which was surprising, as it was tantamount to two baby elephants wrestling, farting and slurping down water. One of them may or may not have thrown up twice…but I wouldn’t know, I was the one asleep by then. 😂😳🥃🍸

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