We love getting pictures of our little man while we’re on the road. He’s happy, he’s loved, he’s doing stuff. This weekend, we popped back up to Louisville, KY to chase down some leads and visit family one more time before we head back to Tacoma. It was refreshing, rejuvenating, and reaffirming! Here are some pics of Rudy’s adventures while we are away, and then some of our weekend.

Fishing with his buddy, Oliver!

Roller skating (without the assist!) and I also like how it looks like he’s back-handing the dude behind him!

FaceTiming mom and dad!

Drinking with Papa and Grandma (hahahaha)

Don’t worry. It’s rootbeer.

Every Tuesday he goes to our friend’s, Warren and Anita’s house. They have daughters in his school and they all get along so well. They have been such a huge help and he loves being with their family! Here they are all making s’mores!

Honestly, this whole time that we’ve been away from him has not been easy, obviously. But there have been a lot of people who have really stepped up to do stuff with him. That says a lot about our kiddo, but it also says a TON about all our friends and family who have been part of the journey, and have made it a bit easier, at least for these two parents who are so in love with their little man and miss him immeasurably. 

Meanwhile, we got to see our little niece, Miss Nova Reign…

No!!! Not scary uncle Jared!!!!! 

And our long time friend, and the man who married us, Dr. John Saunders!

Album cover?

Also, Jared went out to buy some guitar strings, came back with pictures of a new friend and some cool city art. (Jared here: I bought the strings from Delgado Guitars: the place where I got my guitar fixed, then got Jessi’s uke jack replaced. The dog’s name is “Oreo”, and we’re pals now. He doesn’t even bark when I come in anymore!)

Overall, we really were able to step away from anything that had crept in to bring us down the previous week, find beautiful things, get back to relationships, be proud of what we’ve accomplished, remember what our mission is and sink into our purpose. It was a perfect weekend to ready ourselves for the last week in Nashville.

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