Don’t do it if you ain’t gonna do it right. I’ve already been there . . . “

– Kim Archer (“Don’t Do It”)

Ok. So, after much deliberation, Jared has decided that getting the RV looked at and the transmission fixed/replaced would be cheaper than any other alternative. The soonest someone can look at it is Monday. The earliest someone can work on the engine is Wednesday. 

We spent our morning on the beach, letting Rudyard romp in the waves and chase “mangos”, which is currently what he is calling seagulls. “You know, mom? Like Mangos from Nemo?” Yes. I know. 

Since we’ll be losing Sandi on Sat morning before our 2:00 gig, to fly back (and be an adult again), we wanted to show her where we’ll be playing and the spot that holds so many memories for us: The Margarita Villa. We walked up the stairs and back in time. There was Mikis, the owner, in the doorway smiling and holding his arms open to hug us, Jimmie and Tristen sat at the bar and jumped up to greet us, and Vicky and Alex came around the corner from the kitchen and ogled over Rudyard and embraced us like family. That bar has always been like “Cheers” to us, and today we really needed it. 

We ate and drank and finally pulled ourselves away. Kim and Sandi had a hotel room waiting and we were all going to need showers before splitting ways. Jared, Rudy and I had a family Valentine’s dinner to attend, and KnS needed some peace and quiet! 

Image-2The rest of the night on our side was full of cousins, aunts and uncles, grandparents and great-grandparents! Heather, my sister-in-law, is the consummate party thrower and this one was no exception. Her house was decorated with heart-shaped milar balloons, kissing stuffed animals, cupcake puzzles, heart confetti, Valentine’s cookies, and pink and red draped everywhere. Homemade French toast with homemade strawberry syrup, fresh strawberries and whip cream were the Valentine’s dinner! Bacon and eggs made up the side dishes and cookies and cupcakes were served for desert. Jared was in heaven. At one point, after “dinner” and after he’d finished Rudy’s French toast and had an Oreo cupcake, someone offered him a cookie. I thought he might say he was full, or no thank you. Not my husband. He said, “Oh, that’s ok, I’ve already had 2.” ‘Atta boy! 

It was healing to see my son with his uncle Jeremy, who took a good hour and 1/2 (at least) to play with toys, read books, make-believe and get to know our Rudy. He is an amazing father, and a spectacular uncle, and Rudyard had a very hard time saying good-bye at 10:45 that night. We didn’t even mind so much when Jeremy donned the Vader mask and quoted the iconic line, “Luke, I am your father.” Rudyard’s comprehension of the gravity of that line is little to none, and hopefully, by the time he sees “Empire”, he won’t remember, but in our home, the secret is more sacred than the existence of Santa, which he doesn’t really get either… Either way, it was amazing to watch them together, Uncle and nephew, bonding over a timeless classic. 

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