No trip to the Denver area will ever feel complete again without spending time with Marianne and Nate. This trip was particularly cool and stood out from our spring visit with them (if you read our spring blog, they’re the ones who joined us at the skating rink gig in Denver) because we had Rudy with us. The last time they saw Rudy, he was 2 months old and not much more than a sleeping blob. This time, Nate gained a new best friend. 

After our gig last night, Marianne and Nate offered to take Rudy home (since it was going to take us a bit to tear down and pack our gear), enticing him with video games and the opportunity to play with their dog, Brandy! Rudy all but forgot we existed and was off to their house. On their drive home, someone mentioned Transformers and Marianne said they forgot about her too!😂 Nate tore a bunch of old boxes apart to find a transformer he had. I texted to see how things were going, and Marianne sent this to me. 

When we got there, they played video games til almost 4:00 in the morning!! Rudy woke me up at 8:00 to watch Spongebob and said, “I really like it here. These are good people.” I couldn’t agree more, son…

So, since we were up, let’s have a day, shall we?? A much anticipated promise of ice cream was the first priority. No pictures were taken, as no one wants to see how fast we devoured it since it was over 90°. But it was on the way to Boulder where we were headed for cooler temps and spectacular views. Here’s what our day looked like. 


We all felt that way but still had to drive almost 2 hours home. However, it went by quickly, chatting and happy from the sights and memories we made. 

I know you’re reading this, Marianne. You’re my longest life friend and I love you so much. I’m so glad that as we changed, we did so together. I love that you and Nate are the bizarro version of me and Jared, if I was smart and Jared gave any shits about business. I love that we still laugh like ten-year-olds and I still hate talking on the phone and you still love it. I love that my son loves your “husfriend”. I love that when I sang “That Girl”, you danced and sang along with every word. I love that in every memory I had from one of my darkest times in childhood, you were always the bright ones. I love you. 

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