Welcome to Montana! Big Sky Country. Love this state. Glad to be back.

Here are some things I thought about or heard while we drove 4 hours to get here…
- •Pee Wee Herman should cover Van Morrison’s “Glad Tidings”. That chorus…on his red bike.
- •Moldy cheese is still cheese underneath. Just cut the muck away for that cultured goodness.
- •Long drives can be short trips with good conversation and even better company. Short drives can take forever when your son needs to poop.
- •Stevie Wonder missed a terrific marketing opportunity pairing up with a meat company. Rudy thought the lyrics were, “Prime steak delivered…I’m yours!”
- •Rudys closing thought of the day, “Guys. Imagine if your balls were your buttcheeks and your buttcheeks were your balls. That would be weird.”

So, we played at Blacksmith Brewery tonight. These were my closing thoughts on it:
Some days, you play a gig, eat some dinner, and go to bed.
Other days, you play a gig at a place you haven’t been in 2 years and it’s filled with people who love and remember you, singing along with old record songs, dancing to new tunes, buying merch they don’t have yet, and begging us to stay and play a private show the next night. Then, you go to a place for dinner you’ve only been once before (also 2 years ago) and you eat the most unbelievably melty and decadent filet mignon you’ve ever dared to order. You’re also recognized there and complimented and loved, and you finish your meal with a root beer creme brûlée, the likes of which, not only have you never heard of, but certainly never tasted, and you almost die with the first bite! Then, to top it all off, you drive only 9 short miles out of town to stay at the house of the most down-to-earth and wonderful woman and her lovely daughter and are greeted by 2 cats, a HUGE Newfoundland dog, and a baby indoor goat… that Rudy got to feed . . . from a bottle!! I can not make this stuff up. The world is full of people like this. Kind, amazing, interesting human beings, just loving other human beings. I can’t wait to tell you all more about the woman who opened her home to us, and the magic she surrounded us with. But, until tomorrow…here’s Rudy with a baby goat.