A gorgeous morning with amazing people really helped keep us calm. With home being a short three hours away, but knowing we still had four shows before we could get there, we were all a little out of sorts. Rudy mostly. Thankfully, our lovely hosts, Iak and Dena, have three grown children, so they understand it’s not always sunshine and rainbows with kids. 

After French press coffee with the morning sun and conversation, an unbelievable homemade breakfast of juevos rancheros, and a fresh fruit salad, Dena inquired all about Rudy’s passion, Transformers. He gladly entertained her for a good thirty minutes with the ins and outs of the Transformer world and the hierarchy of the different “generations”, etc. She even asked to transform one!

This really meant a lot to Rudes, as most adults tend to engage for a minute, then move on. And, since he was a bit cranky and bored and anxious, it was especially kind and helpful in making him feel included. 

It was suggested that we take a small walk down to the beach area that’s behind Iak and Dena’s place and sits on the Icicle River. I think it was what we all needed because almost immediately upon stepping out into the desert heat of Leavenworth, my shoulders relaxed, I took in a deep breath of sweet, warm, air, and felt rejuvenated. 

Mohawk ducks. (I know there’s a technical name…but I don’t care. 😂)
Father and son on the Icicle River.
Toes in the clay like sand and crisp cool water.
Clear and beautiful! Two feet down!

That night, we played in Washington’s little Bavarian town, Leavenworth, at a super-rad bar called Bushel and Bee. Because it was a Friday, there was that general first set lull, where everyone is really winding down from the work week, enjoying each other’s company, and relaxing over some cold beer. Even still, there were ubiquitously raised eyebrows of “Woah! Who’s THAT?!” among the patrons as they took a few seconds to pause their conversations and bob their heads to the music before returning to their beers and their groups. So we knew the fuse was lit. The space was small, but never felt too squished. Patrons and musicians worked together to enjoy the environment together. 

By the second set, the crowd was READY to be IN IT with us! The whole bar was packed. People turned their stools around to watch. People stood, filling in gaps where seats weren’t. It was warm with energy and vibrancy. It was a love fest and a party and we were leading the charge!

After the gig, fans shared their stories that our songs had reminded them of, challenged them to feel, brought up memories of, and more. It was heartwarming and an absolute delight. And, because our dearest friends, Bonnie and Phil had come up to see the shows and visit with their Wenatchee tribe, a little piece of Tacoma was there making us feel even closer to our goal of being home. It was the perfect way to give us that extra love and encouragement for the last push before our own beds. 

Thank you all so very much for your welcome, hospitality, joy and deep love of the music. We give everything we have at every show, and you replenish and reward us with your reception and love. We’re so grateful. 

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