Back at the Celtic Cowboy. 

So excited to be back in Great Falls! Since we had a day to kill, we opted to get our gear set up early in the afternoon. We had to swing by the Cowboy anyway, because we had to pick up some merch we had to re-order and have mailed to us. We just had it shipped to the CC because we trust them and knew it was our next stop. So, once set up, we needed WiFi and food. Well, turns out the Cowboy had both, so we just stayed! Electronics and Jared’s work station set up in the back room, we grabbed a few beers, a grilled cheese for Rudy, and got to work. 

As the early afternoon gave way to later afternoon, I began to get sleepy. I thought a nap would be good. As I started to gather my things I heard someone yell, “A naked man!” I first thought, “Oh, Jared. . . what did you do?!” But really, there WAS a naked man, just sitting, spread-eagle, on the corner. Jared, Rudy and I ran to the window, camera at the ready! After meeting his quota at one corner, he decided to saunter to his next spot, down the street, parading his wares for all of us to see, just to stop and pose like a statue at the next corner. He was a pro. Then, the cops came with a blanket, and and, like Frosty the Snowman (with no magic hat, mind you) he came to life and began flailing down the street. Rudy has seen plenty of naked people, as Tiger Mountain Family Nudist Park is a regular and celebrated summer occurrence for the Fredeens, but to see one outside of their natural habitat is akin to seeing a giraffe at a skating rink, or a baby in a bowl of spaghetti. Just equally ridiculous. We all laughed so hard and Rudy had fun impersonating the “Naked Man Of Great Falls, MT” for the rest of the night. (So currently, his three favorite stories to tell are of his ride in the Batmobile, the pooping bear, and the naked man.)

In all seriousness, we hope he’s okay, but it was pretty damn amusing.

A nap, a park visit, and a cup of coffee later, we rallied and headed back into the Celtic Cowboy and played an awesome 4-hour gig! Many familiar faces and new ones, we had so much fun playing this bar is special because they really have set it up to have music all week long. They love music, have a great stage and system, and, once again, a staff that support and love our music! Erik, the Viking bartender was pouring drinks and his beautiful family (baby included!!!) joined him and sat at the bar the whole show. I’ll tell you, I tried to hold the baby girl and she did NOT like it. As I handed her back to her momma, Rudy came over, shot me a look as if to say, “Please. . . let a professional handle this,” and immediately calmed her down and made her smile. He is just magic. He even sang for her later in the night. 

Erik . . . kinda like a viking, right?

We met a couple from Canada, celebrating their first year of marriage and fully enjoyed visiting with them. We got to chat with a couple from Michigan, fully solidifying our decision to pursue that region for your next summer, and we got to celebrate a beautiful lady’s 82nd birthday with her. She said, “I’m ‘That Girl’”!! I asked her what her plans were for her 82nd year. She said, “Well, to keep doing what I’m doing. Walking a couple miles a day, and then spend my nights with friends drinking whiskey.” #80yeargoals She’s living MY best life. Hahahahaha! 

It was a long night, and once we found a rest stop just 5 min out of town, we all fell asleep fast and slept hard. Tomorrow we’ll get all caught up on posting the blogs, and play our last gig in Great Falls at the Mighty Mo Brew Co. ‘Nite!! 

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