We were put in contact with a tattoo artist named Kyle Wood of Woodwork Tattoo in Manette, WA. On Sundays he brings in local bands and records them in his beautiful tattoo space. There’s even a stage in there for shows! As a connoisseur of the fleshy art type, I was SO STOKED to be in this space. Then, we met Kyle and his crew, and we were even more excited. Super kind and chill guys, these three came in to run sound and cameras to make this experience as good as possible for us on this beautiful Sunday morning. We had all had our own version of “the night before”, but everyone showed up with a great attitude and ready to capture some music. 

These guys are the real deal humans and we are excited to hear (and see) how it all turned out. We’ll share links as soon as we can. But, til then if you’re hankering for some ink, please check out Kyle’s work and the rest of the team at Woodwork Tattoo. 

As we drove the forty minutes home to Tacoma, the excitement built, but the weight of the “unload” was definitely real. We had a full truck, trailer, overhead storage unit, and several weeks of funk to scrape off and out. We decided that we would let all that go for a few minutes when we got home and just relish in the kisses of our fur babies. It was an absolute joy of joys to pull in and hear their little Boston Terrier yips of love and elation welcoming us home. 

My darlin’ Clementine
Rudy giving loads of belly skritches.
“At Last” with my beautiful little old lady, the OG, Miss Etta James.
Clementiny big smiley!!!
Grass. Pups. Shoes kicked off. Finally home.

While Jared grilled chicken, I made broccoli and brown rice and we quickly settled into our evening routine comfortably. The neighborhood kids came over to enthusiastically welcome Rudy, but Rudy was too ecstatic to be in his own room. So, we politely asked them to return again tomorrow when we were fresh. I watered my plants and thanked each one for hanging in there. We did laundry, cleaned out the truck, stood on our back deck and took in our yard. There truly is no place like home. For the many lovely places we’ve been, and for all the extraordinary humans who loved us and took us in, we are abundantly grateful. But, this is where we belong and, damn, it feels so good. 

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