Jared has been really missing his gym time and bike rides, so today he hit himself with a double dose.
First, Phil, an outdoor extreme sports and activity enthusiast (to say the least) took Jared on the 10-mile bike loop around Wenatchee. He regaled Jared with adventure stories of his and shared tidbits about the city throughout their ride. Phil’s generally cheery disposition, coupled with his genuine love of his surroundings, as well as his knowledge of the land and it’s history, made him an excellent tour guide, and Jared was giddy upon his return home. After he spent another two hours at the gym. Even HE admitted that half way through a third set of squats, his legs just said, “No. We are done.”

Meanwhile, back at the ranch, Rudy and I were enjoying a ton of pool time and some poolside company with Bonnie, as well as a never ending flow of adult libations and popsicles for Rudy! I don’t know how everyone ELSE Summers, but this suits me just fine. And, speaking of suits, my little Rudy (getting ready for our Nudestock weekend early) ditched his suit and decided to swim naked as a jay bird. Those summer buns cannon-balling and splashing around all afternoon . . . bliss. I think the highlight was when we heard the downstairs door slam shut, and Bonnie came running out, fully dressed, and JUMPED IN THE POOL! Rudy just about died with excitement and glee! We all screamed and laughed. Best party entrance EVER!
The show:
Welcomed back with open arms, we happily lugged our gear up 2 sets of stairs (Jared’s legs may never forgive him) with plenty of time to spare so we could eat some dinner. A small but intimate crowd, including some new super fans. The lovely Annie Frank (yes, that is her real name), may be our oldest fan, and perhaps our most outspoken one! Don’t let her white-collared polo shirts fool you . . . this woman has “rock star” in her blood. For someone who usually retires to bed early, she has stayed out late on two separate occasions just to cheer us on and offer encouragement. She raised 4 boys and is tough and tender all at once. She kisses on the lips and looks right into your eyes when she speaks to you. Annie, you are such a love. Also, a shout out to Brandi, who, after last time seeing us in June, seemed to have memorized all of our songs and was singing along, stomping her feet and clapping her hands!
The bartender and staff were really happy to have us back, which is ALWAYS nice. We made a few new fans and had a great night! We got home and closed our evening out with some bourbon on ice, overlooking the Wenatchee city lights, and listening to stories about skiing, books, art and family. Ahhhh. Let’s do it all again tomorrow. 💖