In one day, we found that a gig never confirmed with us, had, indeed booked us. Some fans had showed up to see us and were wondering where we were. We went back through our correspondence and found the booker had never responded to our last email (or several). Immediately upon hearing this, the booker took full responsibility, apologized several times, and asked us to please come next year. No biggie. That happens sometimes. Then, we found out that a gig that we had thought was happening on Tuesday night got cancelled. Super bummer. Well, let’s put on our booking caps, social skills, and get those gig feelers out there! We immediately called Brooke to see if she could recommend a place to play. She led us to Western Cider, a couple blocks away from Imagine Nation Brewing. Ok. Also, we met a man named Steve on Sunday night that has a restaurant called The Tap House at Rumor, where he books music, and he asked us to play next summer. We’ll call him, too. We also heard of a guy who puts on house concerts. We got his number and left a message. Ok. 3 leads. 2 “no’s”, 1 no-pay “Yes”. Well, I guess we’ll take it so we can get tips and possibly use it as an audition for next year. Then, we got a phone call from Steve. “Hey guys! I’m down at this outdoor brewery and market. They didn’t book a band for tonight. Want the gig? Can you get here in 30 min?” Heck yes we did!! So, we’ll use it to promote our Tuesday gig and we’ll make some Monday night money!! Wins all around!! So, thank you, Steve, for thinking of us, and Nancy at the Market for booking us on the spot! Also a shout out to the vendors at the market who traded us goods for music (and also bought music!!!) and generally loved and welcomed us. What a town!
While we were out getting our music hustle on, Rudy was doing some serious bonding with his new “Montana brothers”. A huge thank you and shout out to Brooke who got up at 6:00 am to tend her garden, chickens, AND make breakfast for everyone (pancakes, potatoes and fresh beets and kale, and fresh eggs). This woman would put a frontier lady to shame, and all while effortlessly looking like a beach beauty from Ventura! She even has a mohawk like me!!! Kindred spirits! She took the boys to pick out new toys and by the time we finally got home after our long day, she had ordered them pizza and put on a movie, and they were all chilling. There was even some leftover for us… wow.

The boys all had dental appointments early the next morning, and we had to get going, so we relaxed with one beer and called it. One more night in a real bed? Yes please. Again, really overwhelmed by the outpouring of kindness. Even the bartender at Western Cider, Maria, helped to get us booked there by making phone calls and texts. She didn’t have to do any of that, but it seems like the motto in Missoula is “Go Above And Beyond, It Costs Nothing.”
So true.