This day was the never-ending day. I’m including so many pictures in this blog, but there were so many more I could have included!

First thing on the agenda was breakfast. We were in search of a local spot, and several people recommended “Dot’s”. Oh my gosh. This place is just a darling little space on the outskirts of Bisbee, with a covered outdoor dining area, fine water misters for those extreme hot days, and 1950’s doo-wop music playing through the speakers. They have a nice, big stage, too, for outdoor concerts and events. The place was just so cool. While we were there, we met locals, Raya and Amy. We chatted about the sound system, other venues in town, the music scene in Bisbee, and the town in general. They said they’d come check out our gig later that day in town at Gene’s Place.

We had so much fun finding street art and cool pieces all over the town. We did some shopping at my new favorite consignment store ever, “Bitchin’ Pickins”. No pictures were taken because my hands were full of great things. The store curator was absolutely lovely, and we enjoyed visiting with her. As we left, she said, “I will bring my friend Miss Kay to see you play later.” I said, “Anyone who is referred to as “Miss Kay” by her friends NEEDS to be at our show!” And she was everything I’d hoped for in a lady. I’ll introduce you all in a bit!

Anyway, the street art made for some fun photo opportunities!

Don’t fight ladies… There’s enough FABULOUS here for all of us!!!

I guess this was the “National Geographic” portion of the street art. I’m glad someone illustrated the beauty of nature making more nature… Haven’t I seen this in a science book?

I swear I wasn’t posing for this! I was just super hot and needed to sit down. We had a 3:00 gig and the bar didn’t open until 2:00, but we didn’t want our gear baking in the trailer, plus when the bar DID open, we knew we’d have to move quickly to make the 3:00 start time.  So, while we’re waiting for the bar to open, let me share the behind the scenes about how we got this gig with you guys! 

Trish had originally set us up to do a show at the outdoor stage of the Bisbee Coffee Co. for this Saturday. Due to unforeseen monsoons, and also an unpleasant heat wave, The Coffee Co. cancelled the gig, feeling like it was the best move for everyone. Initially, we were bummed. But in the same breath that Trish informed us about the lost gig, she let us know she had secured us another gig at a local bar! Thanks for the hustle, Trish! The downside was only that the coffee place had offered us a solid paycheck, and Gene’s Place offered us a percentage of the bar tips. In a town where we had no idea if anyone would even show up, a percentage of nothing, or something really small, would be hard to swallow. But we’d always rather be playing than not, and who knows what might shake out. We’d walked all over town, chatting up the show and passing out stickers and business cards. Maybe some people might actually show up…

If nothing else… there were a LOT of great spots for photos, staged or not, and we took serious advantage.

This crazy guy kept watch over the bar the whole time.

Well, I gotta say, Bisbee came through in spades for us this afternoon. From 3-5, Gene’s Place was packed with locals and tourists alike, all completely locked into the Champagne Sunday experience. We also were gifted some of the better live shots we’ve seen from local Lynda Coole. She just sat at a table, totally unassuming with a camera, and took shots here and there through the gig. She captured the sheer joy that we feel on stage, and the fun of playing together, as well as our absolute crazy relationship with out audience. Thank you Lynda for these! They are so beautiful.

So, this is the darling couple who booked us at their bar, Gene’s Place. Katie and Alex also have another bar out of town called the Hitching Post where a one-legged chicken named Ladybird has a front row seat to the music in her armchair. Which I will get to later… But we made instant friends with them and can’t wait to come back to hang out some more!

This is the infamous “Miss Kay” I was informed of earlier. She was truly a woman to behold, donned in her leopard print, plastic yellow banana jewelry, bright red flower in her bright red hair to match the bright red convertible she drove, all accompanied with (I kid you not…) three BOSTON TERRIERS!!!! I said to Jared at one point when I told him we were meeting “future me”, “I hope you’re ok with that.” He just replied, “That is not “future you” that is “Current You”!” I just need for people to begin referring to me as a new sassy name version of myself like “Miss J”, and I’m set. Oh, and the yellow convertible I’ve always dreamt of…   

So after our show, we tore down the gear and loaded it back into the trailer. Then we drove it a few blocks up the street to the next venue we were scheduled to play on Sunday. Since it was a brunch show, 11:00 AM – 1:00 PM, the sound guy wanted us there and set up for a 9:30 sound check. We were fine with that, but didn’t love the idea of of such an early set up, which would have put us at the theater around 7:30. So we opted to set up the night before. This theater cat came to inspect the gear and the chuckleheads setting it all up. I’m ONLY being nice because it’s super bad luck to be mean to a theater cat… so there. 

After set up, Jared and I FINALLY got to sit down for dinner at The Table, a nice dining spot in Downtown Bisbee, around 8:30. Whew! We were starving and tired, but happy for the day. Our new friends, Katie and Alex had invited us to their other bar to meet Ladybird, and check out local singer-songwriter, Amelia Doll. I needed to see that chicken, but we HAD to rest a minute first. So, we calmly ate a DELICIOUS dinner, before hopping into the truck and moving on. While we were at dinner, a tourist stopped us to comment on our show and how he loved it and had bought a CD, but he really wanted another. So he tossed some money on our table and Jared ran out and grabbed him one right there!

At the “Hitching Post” watching Amelia Doll, local singer/songwriter, busker, and tarot card reader.

So this sweetheart was a blast from the past friend from Tacoma!!! Our friend Andrea Peters. She said she just screamed when she saw our posters all over town because she was one of the first people to love us waaaaaay back before we even moved to T-town. She used to work at The Spar when our full band from Ventura, CA would play there, and couldn’t wait to come see us in Bisbee, where she has lived for awhile. She came out to the show the night before and said we “Hit her in the feels all night.” And she, “Cried and was so happy listening to us play and taking her back in time to 2009 and 2010” when we first started in WA. It was so good and familiar to see her and get and give hugs. She joined us this night just to visit and hang at the Hitching Post.

This, dear readers, is Miss Ladybird, the queen herself. I may get this picture printed on a canvas because I love it and the whole vibe behind it. Ladybird belongs to Katie and Alex and is the mascot for their business and this bar. She was attacked very young, leaving her without the use of one leg and ultimately to die. Katie said absolutely not, and here she is, years later, atop her throne, literally the most spoiled chicken in the US. Because of her immobility, she is kept in their home in a suitcase (open of course!), and hand-carried and taken everywhere with them. I suggested a Baby Bjorn and they may just switch to that! This divine hen just sits in this armchair, turning and bobbing her head to the music, occasionally sleeping, and pooping when she needs, with absolutely no regard for anything but her self. She is honored and revered and is the lady of the bar. I love her. I want this life one day when all my loved ones are gone and one leg has stopped working. Please someone save me and put me in a throne.

After the day of non-stop going, the music, the art, the socializing, and the chicken… it was 1000% time to go. I don’t even think it was 11:00pm, but I felt like we had traveled forward and back in time, lived ten lifetimes, and become many alternate universe versions of ourselves. We were TIRED. So thank you for joining us on our second day in Bisbee. We’ll see what the next day gifts us!!!

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