Our friends, Nate and Heather, aka, Heaven and Kevin, said, “Let’s go golfing!” to which we replied, “Sure. Why not?” (Jared here: Nate refers to the game as “Whack-F*#k”, based on the sounds he makes in sequence when playing. Love it!) So golfing we went. Well, to be fair, Jared and Nate golfed. (Jared here: More specifically, Nate golfed. What I was doing could only be called “golfing” in an abstract sense.) Heather and I cheered. It was a banger of a day on the course since Nate made a 6:15 pm tee time and there was hardly anyone else out there. But even more than getting the course basically all to ourselves, it was the perfect time of day, weather-wise. I’ve been doing a lot of writing lately, so I think I’ll just let the pictures tell the story!😂
Jared’s first swing!
(Jared here: Bear in mind, it’s my first swing in probably nine years or so, but still, any pointers?)
A little break for a photo opportunity.
Some lovely wildflowers.
The guys.
A ball search.
A deeper ball search.
The haul!
Jared would not take a serious picture, so I just snapped away as we goofed off. I love this one.
Nate doing an “I did it!” dance.
Jared…also moving.
This is how I “golfed”. (Jared here: Great technique!)

The sun setting over the 5th hole. This course was really beautiful, perched right on the border of South Dakota and Nebraska.
Jared used to work a golf course and I guess it just never left him. He found several sand traps that weren’t up to his standards. He fixed that.
Love our Yankton friends so much. Really wonderful humans.
Nate’s “I love you” hands say it all!
Oh man! This sassy bartender, Joanne, made our whole day! She was really fun and could not be f&%*ed with. 😂🔥
Holy wow, we needed food BAD when we were done. This amazing Mexican restaurant was open til 9:00, and we walked in around 8:45, apologizing and offering to leave if they didn’t want to stay open. They were so gracious and kind and treated us just as if we’d come in at 6:00 or 7:00. They didn’t rush us or act out out at all. Really good people. Even better food.
There was a pepper plant in the window and there were a couple of ripe, small red peppers on it. Well, why not eat them without any water or anything in our stomachs but alcohol?? It really seemed like a great idea… I had a video of the whole thing, or so I thought. Apparently I pushed “record” at the end of the pepper eating as opposed to the beginning, so all I captured was this aftermath shot of me gasping for air…it was the perfect end to a super fun day with some incredible people!❤️🔥